View information about groups and manage groups on the Groups tab.

You can view the following information on the Groups tab.
The Active Directory group's name
Applied Android policy
The Android policy that applies to the enrolled devices of the group
Applied iOS/iPadOS policy
The iOS/iPadOS policy that applies to the enrolled devices of the group
User count
The total number of users who belong to the group
Device count
The total number of enrolled devices owned by the group users
You can perform the following actions on the Groups tab.
Filter group data
Use the search box to locate specific group data.
Remove groups
Select one or more groups from the list and click Remove Group.
Removing a group unenrolls all the devices that belong to the group users.
This action is only available when using Microsoft Entra ID integration.
Remove assignments
Select one or more groups from the list and click Remove Assignments.
Removing assignments deletes the groups and unenrolls all the devices that belong to the group users.
This action only available when using MDM integration.
Show the users of a group
In the User count column, click the number to see a list of users filtered by Group:.
Show the enrolled devices owned by the group users
In the Device count column, click the number to see a list of enrolled devices filtered by Group:.