Configure the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 allow list settings to allow Phishing Simulation Assessment to send phishing emails to the employees in your organization.


  1. Record the Phishing Simulation Assessment sending domains and IP addresses.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to AssessmentCyber Risk Assessment.
    2. Under Phishing Simulation Assessment, click Start Assessment and proceed to Step 3 Delivery.
    3. Under Allow List Settings, click Settings to view and copy the Phishing Simulation Assessment sending domains and IP addresses.
    The sending IP addresses change over time. Check the list before launching a training campaign or phishing simulation.
  2. Configure your Microsoft Defender for Office 365 phishing simulation settings.
    The following instructions were valid as of November 1, 2023. For further help, refer to the Microsoft 365 Defender documentation.
    1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal using an administrator account.
    2. In the Rules section of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to Email & CollaborationPolicies & RulesThreat policiesAdvanced delivery.
    3. Click the Phishing simulation tab.
    4. Configure your phishing simulations.
      • If you have not previously configured a phishing simulation, click Add.
      • If you have already configured a phishing simulation, click Edit.
    5. In the Add third party phishing simulations screen, enter your sending domains and sending IP addresses in the respective fields.
    6. Click Add.
    7. Click Close.
    If your organization is still unable to receive emails from Phishing Simulation Assessment, learn how to troubleshoot the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 allow list.
    You have configured Microsoft 365 Defender to allow employees in your organization to receive phishing simulation emails from Phishing Simulation Assessment.