Displays all devices visible within your organization
Search for devices by name.
Click Filter to add a filter.
Click Export to generate a report for the devices currently
displayed on the device list.
Click Exception List to see and remove devices on the exception
Click the customize columns icon (  ) to customize the table columns and the order in
which they are displayed.
For customers that have updated to the Foundation
Services release, data for mobile devices that are discovered by Trend Vision One - Mobile Security is
only available for users with the Mobile devices asset visibility
Select devices and click Add to Exception List to add the devices
to the exception list.
Select devices and click Manage Tags to assign or remove custom tags from the devices. For more information, see custom asset tags.
To manually modify the criticality of a highly critical asset, hover over the critical
icon (  ) and click Modify
Quickly identify devices with high-severity vulnerabilities that are directly exposed
the internet, which are highlighted with the direct internet exposure icon (  ).
Displays all discovered IP and domain assets that are visible from external internet
locations and allows you to view detailed IP profile risk assessments
Search for internet-facing assets by name.
Click Filter to add a search filter.
Add your organization's domains by clicking + Add and adding your
domain. Trend Micro uses the provided domain to perform external asset searches for
related exposed host names.
Click Export to generate a report for the internet-facing assets
currently displayed on the list.
Click the customize columns icon (  ) to customize the table columns and the order in
which they are displayed.
Select assets and click Manage Tags to assign or remove custom tags from the devices. For more information, see custom asset tags.
Click any root domain or public IP to view details on the internet-facing asset profile
To manually modify the criticality of a highly critical asset, hover over the highly
critical icon (  ) and click Modify
Displays all visible domain and service accounts, identifies highly-authorized accounts,
and allows you to view detailed risk profiles
Search for accounts by name.
Click Filter to add a filter.
Click Export to generate a report for the accounts currently
displayed on the list.
Click the customize columns icon (  ) to customize the table columns and the order in
which they are displayed.
To manually modify the criticality of a highly critical asset, hover over the highly
critical icon (  ) and click Modify
Select accounts and click Manage Tags to assign or remove custom tags from the devices. For more information, see custom asset tags.
To create a Security Awareness training
campaign for a specific user, click the associated actions icon (  ) and then click Create Training
This is a pre-release sub-feature and is not part of the existing features of an official
commercial or general release. Please review the Pre-release sub-feature disclaimer before using the sub-feature.
Displays all apps accessed by your organization's users and devices
Search for apps by name.
Click Filter to add a filter.
Click Export to generate a report for the apps currently
displayed on the list.
Click the customize columns icon (  ) to customize the table columns and the order in
which they are displayed.
Click any app name to view additional details on the app profile screen.
Change the sanctioned status of cloud apps.
Assign secure access rules to control users' access to cloud apps.
For customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release, the Applications section is only available for users with the Applications asset visibility scope.
Displays detected cloud workloads within your organization, enabling you to rapidly
identify compliance and security best practice violations on your public cloud
infrastructure and across your cloud service platforms
Search for cloud assets by name.
Click Filter to add a filter.
Depending on your region, you can click Graph View for a
graphical representation of your organization's cloud assets.
Click Export to generate a report for the cloud assets currently
displayed on the list.
Click the customize columns icon (  ) to customize the table columns and the order in
which they are displayed.
Select assets and click Manage Tags to assign or remove custom tags from the devices. For more information, see custom asset tags.
Click any category to display only assets of the selected category in the cloud asset
Click any cloud asset name to view additional details on the cloud asset profile
For customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release:
The Cloud Assets section only shows individual data for assets within the asset visibility scope of
the current user.
Users that have containers but no cloud accounts within asset visibility scope cannot
view Graph View.
Users with no containers or cloud accounts within asset visibility scope cannot view
the Cloud Assets section.
API Security
Displays REST and HTTP-based API collections detected in your AWS API gateways and
assesses the vulnerability of individual API endpoints
Search for API collections by name.
Click Filter to add a filter.
Click Export to generate a report for the cloud assets currently
displayed on the list.
Click the customize columns icon (  ) to customize the table columns and the order in which they are
Click any API collection name to view additional details on the API collection profile
Expand any API collection for an overview of the individual API endpoints contained
the collection.
For customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release, the API Security section only shows data for assets within the asset visibility scope of the current