If you want Server & Workload Protection to get an inventory of your computers from your VMware vCenter and/or Active Directory servers, then you must put a data center gateway between them, as shown in the diagram below. The data center gateway proxies the connections between them.
For high availability (HA) in case of network interruptions or component failures, you can also deploy multiple data center gateways as shown in the diagram below.
Basic steps include:
  1. Verify system requirements
  2. Grant permissions
  3. Download the data center gateway software
  4. Download the credential files
  5. Configure the vCenter/Active Directory servers and proxies (if any)
  6. Install the data center gateway

Verify system requirements

Data center gateways are supported on:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04
  • Ubuntu Linux 20.04
Minimum hardware requirements:
  • 1 CPU or virtual CPU (vCPU)
  • 2 GB memory (RAM)
  • 1 GB free disk space
Firewalls and proxies must also allow network connections with required port numbers, host names, and IP addresses

Grant permissions

During installation, you are required to configure the data center gateway using a unique authentication credential file, which is not associated with your Trend Vision One user account. You must have the necessary permissions to create a new data center gateway and access the credential file. If you are unable to create a new gateway or access the credential file, contact your administrator.
If you have Master Administrator access, you can create or edit a custom user role in the Trend Vision One console to grant user access to create new data center gateways and access the authentication credential files.
  1. Go to AdministrationUser Roles.
  2. Add or edit a custom user role:
    • To add a new custom user role, click + Add Role.
    • To edit a custom user role, select the custom user role and click the Edit icon.
  3. On the General information tab, specify the role name and description.
  4. On the Permissions tab, select permissions to grant to the role.
    In addition to any other permissions you wish to grant the user role, you must include the following settings to allow assigned users permission to manage data center gateways and access the authentication credential files.
    • Go to Security FunctionsServer & Workload ProtectionOther RightsData Center Gateways
      • View: Enabled
      • Create: Enabled
      • Edit: Enabled
      • Delete: Enabled

Download the data center gateway software

Download an RPM file for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and a DEB file for Ubuntu.
RPM Download
DEB Download
Release Notes
Feb. 07, 2022
Updated third party libraries.
Dec. 15, 2021
Updated third party libraries.
Aug. 30, 2021
Enhance tunnel logging and dcgw-control helper supports proxy configuration
Jul. 26, 2021
Data center gateway supports proxy to connect to Trend Micro required internet facing services and internal vCenter/Active Directory server destinations
May. 28, 2021
Fixed the issue that the service does not start up automatically at boot time.
Mar. 28, 2021
Updated python library dependencies.
Jan. 25, 2021
Improved instructions on what to do if destination_allow_list.yaml fails to load.
Fixed service startup issue in RedHat.
Dec. 08, 2020

Download the credential files

Each credential file contains keys and identifiers that its data center gateway will use to authenticate and communicate with Server & Workload Protection.
  1. On Server & Workload Protection, go to Administration System Settings Data Center Gateway.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Display Name. Click Next.
  4. Click Download Credential File. Don't change the name of the file. It is required by the installer.
  5. Repeat the previous steps to download one credential file for each data center gateway that you will install.
Only use a credential file with its own data center gateway. Even data center gateways that are deployed as high availability (HA) pairs have unique credential files. Copying the same file to multiple installations could lead to unexpected behavior.
Keep the credential files in a secure place and use permissions to restrict access. Keys are secrets, similar to passwords. Unauthorized access can result in security compromise.

Configure the vCenter/Active Directory servers and proxies (if any)

During installation, you will need to provide a list of VMware vCenter and/or Microsoft Active Directory servers that the data center gateway connects to. Use a plaintext editor to write the list. The list must be in YAML format and named destination_allow_list.yaml.
Use a linter to verify that the list is in valid YAML format. Invalid files cannot be used by the installer.
Verify that the data center gateway can reach all network addresses in the list. If data center gateways must connect through a proxy to the Internet, or to the internal network's vCenter and/or Active Directory servers, then also configure the data center gateway to use the proxies.
For example, destination_allow_list.yaml could contain:
  - HostName: "internet.proxy.example.com"
    Port: 3128
    Username: "intenet_proxy_user"
    Password: "internet_proxy_password"
  - HostName: "vcenter1.datacenter.internal"
    Port: 443
  - HostName: ""
    Port: 443
  - HostName: "adserver1.datacenter.internal"
    Port: 389
  - HostName: ""
    Port: 389
      HostName: "proxy.vCenter.internal"
      Port: 3128
      Username: "vcenter_proxy_user"
      Password: "vcenter_proxy_password"
  • The gateway_proxy section defines the proxy that the data center gateway will use to connect to Server & Workload Protection.
  • The destinations section defines the vCenter and/or Active Directory servers and the proxies used to connect to them (if any).
  • HostName is the identifier that is used to add vCenter/Active Directory servers in the Server & Workload Protection console or API.
  • Username and Password are the login that the data center gateway uses to connect to a proxy. Omit them if no authentication is required.
Keep destination_allow_list.yaml in a secure place and use permissions to restrict access. It contains passwords. Unauthorized access can result in security compromise.
Each HostName must be unique. If the domain name or IP address point to the same vCenter/Active Directory server as another HostName, it can cause unexpected behaviors on managed agents.
To avoid duplication if multiple HostName entries resolve to the same IP address, only the first domain name will take effect. Domain names take precedence over IP addresses. For example, given the configuration below, the data center gateway will communicate with a vCenter server at the hostname vc1.dc.internal:
# Both "vc1.dc.internal" and "vc1.dc.example.com" resolve to

  - HostName: ""       # Does not take effect because hostnames take precedence over IP addresses
    Port: 443
  - HostName: "vc1.dc.internal"     # Takes effect
    Port: 443
  - HostName: "vc1.dc.example.com"  # Does not take effect because it resolves to the same IP address as previous hostname
    Port: 443

Install the data center gateway

On the server where you want to install the data center gateway, upload the installer, authentication credentials, and configuration file, and then enter the installer command:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: sudo DCGW_CRED_PATH="</absolute/path/to/credentials.json>" DCGW_ALLOW_LIST_PATH="</absolute/path/to/destination_allow_list.yaml>" rpm -ivh /path/to/rpm/file
  • Ubuntu: sudo DCGW_CRED_PATH="</absolute/path/to/credentials.json>" DCGW_ALLOW_LIST_PATH="</absolute/path/to/destination_allow_list.yaml>" apt install /path/to/deb/file
If any of the following error messages appear, then correct the problem and try again.
Error Message
Possible Cause
File path for
is required, please set the variable
to proceed
The parameter
was not assigned during installation.
Set the variable
with the complete path of the
File name should contains credentials or destination_allow_list file extension
does not contain the required file name.
Verify that the value of
ends with the file name
, and the value of
ends with the file name
.Do not modify these file names.
No such file, please use
readlink -f
to get absolute path for
The given path for
did not contain the appropriate file.
Use the command
readlink -f
to verify the correct, complete path of
When the installation has succeeded, either delete credentials.json and destination_allow_list.yaml or back them up to a secure location. (The installer copies them to /var/opt/c1ws-dcgateway/conf/credentials.json and /var/opt/c1ws-dcgateway/conf/destiantion_allow_list.yaml with correct permissions. You don't need to keep the original files.)


Verify the status of the data center gateway

To determine if the data center gateway is active (its process is running), use SSH or Remote Desktop to connect to its server and then enter the command:
journalctl -u c1ws-dcgw.service -f
or the command:
systemctl status c1ws-dcgw
It should display the status, and which vCenter and/or Active Directory servers have been added:
Status only shows which servers have been added to the list of destinations. It does not test the network connections with vCenter or Active Directory, which must be done separately.
Also enter this command to verify that the error log is empty:
less +G c1ws-dcgw-error.log

Verify the network connections for a data center gateway

To verify that vCenter or Active Directory server's port is open and that it is reachable from the data center gateway, log into the data center gateway server and enter the command:
  • SERVER_HOST_IP is the hostname or IP address of the vCenter or Active Directory server.
  • SERVER_HOST_PORT is the listening port number. By default, it's 443 for vCenter, and 389(StarTLS)/636(LDAPS) for Active Directory.
The connection test should succeed.
If it does not succeed, then verify that the port number is open. Also verify DNS settings and any routers, firewalls, and proxies between them. (If there is a proxy, the connection must succeed to the proxy, not directly to the vCenter or Active Directory server.)
If the connection test shows that the servers are reachable, but Server & Workload Protection is still not receiving data, then examine the data center gateway error log and logs that show connection attempts:
less +G c1ws-dcgw.log
It should show connection attempts to both vCenter or Active Directory servers (destination) and Firewall exception requirements for Trend Vision One. Verify the configured host names and port numbers.

Upgrade the data center gateway

On the server where you want to upgrade the data center gateway, upload the RPM or DEB file and then enter the upgrade command:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: sudo rpm -U <new data center gateway installer rpm>
  • Ubuntu Linux: sudo apt --only-upgrade install ./<new data center gateway installer deb>
To verify that the upgrade is complete:
  1. Check the data center gateway status and data center gateway network connections.
  2. Verify the version number of the installed software:
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: rpm -q --info <data center gateway package name>
    • Ubuntu Linux: apt show <data center gateway package name>