
Scan your cloud assets and accounts against the most common standards and frameworks using Cloud Posture Assessment.

Only customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release have access to the feature.
You can always find your previous assessment reports by clicking Assessment History on the Cyber Risk Assessment screen.


  1. In the Trend Vision One console, go to AssessmentCyber Risk Assessment.
  2. In the Cloud Posture Assessment area, click Start Assessment.
  3. Run the Cloud Posture Assessment.
    • If you do not have any cloud accounts available in Cloud Accounts, click Add Cloud Account and follow the prompts to onboard an AWS account or connect an Azure subscription or Google Cloud project through the Cloud Accounts app. Click Finish to launch your Cloud Posture Assessment.
    • If you have already added cloud accounts, select a connected cloud account from the list and click Start Assessment.
      You can assess only one cloud account at a time.
  4. Wait until your cloud account finishes the assessment.
    You will receive an email notification when the assessment is complete. Click the link in the notification to access the Trend Vision One console, and click View Report in the Cloud Posture Assessment area.
  5. Check the results on the assessment report and take risk remediation actions immediately if necessary.
    The following table lists the actions available on the report (if applicable).
    Download report
    Download the assessment report as a PDF file.
    Start new assessment
    Start a new at-risk endpoint, cloud mailbox, phishing simulation, external attack surface, cloud posture, or global threat assessment.
    Starting a new assessment permanently deletes collected data.
    View details in the Cloud Posture app
    • For new users, try Cloud Posture to maintain an inventory of your cloud assets, be alerted about current misconfigurations and their risks, and keep up to date on compliance with common standards and frameworks. .
    • For trial users or paid users, view details about the compliance of your cloud infrastructure in Cloud Posture.
    In the Compliance with Common Standards and Framework section, click View the full list to check the standards and frameworks against which your infrastructure’s compliance posture is assessed.
    View details about the top checked rules with noncompliant resources
    Click View in the Remediation steps column in the Top Checked Rules with Noncompliant Resources section to learn more about the rule.