
View identity provider status, key metrics, and critical alerts related to your Identity Inventory data.

This is a "Pre-release" feature and is not considered an official release. Please review the Pre-release disclaimer before using the feature.
This feature is not available in all regions.
The Overview tab in Identity Inventory displays a summary of your connected identity provider status along with at-a-glance metrics on your human, non-human, and entitlement data. You may also switch identity provider tenants or export identity data from the Overview tab.
The following table describes the information categories available in the Identity Provider Summary section.
Identity provider (Microsoft Entra ID) license
Displays the current license type you hold for your identity provider, along with any limitations resulting from the license
Sign in data is not available for users with free Microsoft Entra ID licenses. Some data fields may be incomplete after syncing.
Data sync
Displays the status of the permissions required to sync identity data
Policy enforcement
Displays the status of the permissions required to perform policy enforcement actions
The following table describes the information categories available in the Identity Summary section.
Displays the number of human identities in your organization along with a chart breaking the identities down into regular or privileged users, internal or external users, and members or guests.
Some older Microsoft Entra ID user accounts, specifically user accounts created before 2014, may not have a configured user type. You may configure a user type for the account in your Microsoft Entra ID tenant if you have sufficient permissions. For more information, see Microsoft's documentation.
Displays the number of the following types of non-human identities:
  • Privileged groups
  • Devices synced and not synced with Active Directory
    Devices synced with Active Directory are part of an on-premises identity provider as well as a cloud-based identity provider.
  • Verified, non-verified, privileged, and regular enterprise applications
    Privileged applications are permitted to read and write directory data. Verified applications have a verified publisher.
Displays the number of the following entitlements:
  • Assigned privileged roles, including administrators or applications with write permissions
  • Enabled conditional access (CA) policies
  • Granted privileged permissions