
Mean Time to Patch (MTTP) and Average Unpatched Time (AUT) widgets available in Security Dashboard

June 3, 2024 — The Mean Time to Patch (MTTP) and Average Unpatched Time (AUT) widgets in Executive Dashboard are now also available in Security Dashboard. Add the widgets to your custom dashboard to get a better picture of your overall vulnerability management status. More detailed information from Operations Dashboard can be found by clicking Go to app in each widget.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard

Security Dashboard adds five container-related widgets

January 15 — To facilitate SOC analysts in quickly identifying container security risks within their environment, Security Dashboard has added the following five new widgets:
  • Top Clusters with Runtime Vulnerabilities/Events
  • Top Namespaces with Runtime Rule Violations
  • Top Runtime Policy Violations by Action
  • Top Trigger Runtime Rules by Violations
  • Top Unique CVEs by CVSS Rating
Find the new widgets in the Cloud category of the Security Dashboard widget catalog. Be aware that these widgets are only available for customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard

Monitored Network Throughput widget now available

September 25, 2023 — The Monitored Network Throughput widget, which provides an overview of the network traffic monitored by Virtual Network Sensor, is now available in Security Dashboard.
 You can now view the 30-day average traffic volume, assess total bandwidth capacity, and track network traffic levels down to the minute both for individual appliances and across the network environment.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard

Security Dashboard gets new widget summarizing observed attack techniques

September 25, 2023 — To facilitate SOC analysts in quickly identifying the riskiest events within their company, Security Dashboard has a new widget called Observed Attack Techniques Summary.
This widget, summarizes the riskiest events within a given time range, assisting analysts in navigating towards the appropriate direction for further troubleshooting.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard

Security Dashboard adds five new widgets

August 14 — Five new widgets have been added to the Security Dashboard widget catalog:
  • Activity Data Statistics
  • Detection Statistics
  • Endpoint Statistics
  • Email Threat Detection Overview
  • Email Spam Detection Overview
The new widgets provide an overview of all activity data and detections, allowing users to spot issues involving endpoints and email security and then go deeper to pinpoint product connector or configuration errors. Find the new widgets in the XDR Threat Investigation and Email categories of the Security Dashboard widget catalog.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard

Scanned Traffic Summary widget for Security Dashboard

July 10, 2023 — The Scanned Traffic Summary widget provides an overview of scanned traffic, protocols, and discovered devices in your network environment. The widget supports both Network Inspector and Deep Discovery Inspector version 6.6 or later.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard

Report Management and Security Dashboard merged under new Dashboards and Reports app group

July 3, 2023 — Security Dashboard and Reports (formerly Report Management) have moved from Risk Insights to the new Dashboards and Reports app group. Access detailed reports and custom dashboard views from a single location to more easily make informed security decisions.
Dashboards and ReportsSecurity Dashboard
Dashboards and ReportsReports

Report Management official release

Report Management is now officially released and can be utilized alongside your Risk Insights and XDR entitlements as part of the Trend Vision One platform.
For details on what types of entitlements are required for each report type, see Reports license requirements.
Dashboards and ReportsReports