
Check the Virtual Network Sensor status, deploy the Virtual Network Sensor, and configure settings in Network Inventory.

The Virtual Network Sensors inventory on the Network Inventory screen provides an overview of connected Virtual Network Sensors within your environment. Virtual Network Sensor feeds Trend Vision One with network activity data, which enables you to play back detailed network activity. You can also discover unmanaged and unknown assets, allowing for a more holistic view of your attack surface.
Deploy the Virtual Network Sensor
Click Deploy Virtual Network Sensor to configure and deploy a Virtual Network Sensor.
Virtual Network Sensor supports the following deployments:
View setup guide
Click Setup Guide to view instructions about how to deploy and configure a Virtual Network Sensor.
View sensor details
View detailed information about the appliance including sensor version and status
Click the sensor identifier to view the Sensor Details screen.
Update sensor
Hover over the out-of-date icon (diamondWarningIcon=GUID-ec75f229-4f04-49eb-9615-8b6072cb1cee.png) next to the sensor version and click Update now to manually update to the latest version
You can view update settings in the Sensor Details screen.
Manually updating always updates to the latest version.
Network Inventory only maintains update support for Virtual Network Sensor versions released within the last six months. Versions older than six months might require redeployment to use the latest version.
Manage sandbox settings
Click the Send to sandbox toggle to turn on or turn off sending objects to a virtual sandbox for analysis
Turn on send to sandbox to allow the Virtual Network Sensor to submit unknown files and other objects to a virtual sandbox for analysis. You can view the results in the Sandbox Analysis app. Objects sent from the Virtual Network Sensor do not count towards the daily submission limit in Sandbox Analysis.
Send to sandbox is a pre-release sub-feature and is not part of the existing features of an official commercial or general release. Please review the Pre-release Sub-Feature Disclaimer before using the sub-feature.
Remove a Virtual Network Sensor
Click trash_icon=GUID-47cf6867-6315-438e-8670-86ff36f22a28.png to disconnect a Virtual Network Sensor from Network Security.
Manage network resources
Click Network Resources to view, import, and export lists of your important network assets such as trusted domains and trusted service sources.
Check credit usage
Hover over Credit Usage to view details such as credit requirements and credits allocated to Network Inventory.
View and monitor bandwidth usage
View the current allocated and total bandwidth usage, and click Bandwidth usage to view bandwidth usage for all network appliances, as well as the allocated and available bandwidth for your Trend Micro license.