
Use an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to deploy a Virtual Network Sensor to your cloud environment.

If your security environment uses a hybrid deployment, or you do not have VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V in your environment, you can leverage your Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts to deploy a Virtual Network Sensor using Amazon Machine Images (AMI).
Example mapping of a Virtual Network Sensor deployment within the AWS environment
Before you begin, review the Virtual Network Sensor system requirements and ensure you have a sign in with permission to access the EC2 service.
To deploy the Virtual Network Sensor, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Choose or create a VPC for the Virtual Network Sensor instance.
  2. Choose or create the subnets for the Virtual Network Sensor data port and management port.
    Trend Micro recommends using different subnets for the data and management ports. For more information on how to set up a VPC and subnet, refer to the Amazon documentation.
  3. Create security groups for the data port and management port.
  4. Launch an instance with the Virtual Network Sensor AMI.
  5. Configure the network settings for the Virtual Network Sensor.