View and download reports generated from scans, and view troubleshooting information such as authentication or network problems.

This is a "Pre-release" feature and is not considered an official release. Please review the Pre-release disclaimer before using the feature.
This feature is not available in all regions.
In Scan Reports, you can view a list of your most recent network scan reports. Scan reports contain the results of the scan, including any discovered assets, vulnerable assets, and detected CVEs. Currently, only the most recent report for a scan is retained. To save earlier reports, download the reports before the next scan time.
The following table details actions you can take in Scan reports.
View scan status
The icon next to the scan ID indicates whether the scan is complete (inProgress=763d5319-3680-4b10-abca-a75782d8eb48.png), in progress (inProgress=763d5319-3680-4b10-abca-a75782d8eb48.png), or failed (unsuccessful=e4c3ece6-3776-45dc-b99a-67195d7d21e0.png). Scans that are in progress cannot be triggered. For failed scans, verify your network status, the status of your Service Gateway, and the status of the Network Vulnerability Scanner service.
View report details
Drill down from a scan ID to view details including:
  • The Service Gateway used for the scan
  • Target IPs
  • Number of discovered assets
  • Number of inaccessible target IPs
  • Number of detected CVEs
View inaccessible target IPs
Click View details next to the number of inaccessible target IPs from a scan to view the access status for the IPs during the scan.
  • Access error: Indicates a required field such as a port could not be accessed. Ensure your SSH port (default: port 22) is open. If the problem persists, contact support.
  • Authentication error: Indicates the device at the target IP could not be accessed using the provided authentication credentials. Verify your authentication credentials in the scan configuration. If you need to use a different set of credentials, create a new scan.
  • Unsupported device or device version: Indicates the device at the target IP is not currently supported for network vulnerability scans. Network vulnerability scans currently only support Cisco devices running Cisco IOS 12 or 15. Click Request additional device or device version support to provide feedback on device or version support you would like to see.
  • No device detected: Indicated no devices were detected at the target IP.
Only the first 100 inaccessible target IP addresses are displayed. Download the scan report to view the access status of all inaccessible target IP addresses.
Download scan report
Click the download icon (download_icon=5c7476c2-cf15-4572-b7cd-5fc67a57d22f.png) to download a specified scan report. Scans that detect up to the maximum of 100,000 vulnerabilities will only include the first 100,000 vulnerabilities in the report. Contact support if you need to increase the maximum number of vulnerabilities.
Manually refresh scan reports
Click the refresh icon (refresh=5bd75452-c2fb-43ed-90e6-7b552fdc5dd2.png) to manually refresh the status of displayed reports. Statuses automatically refresh after the scan completes.
View scan results in Operations Dashboard
Click View scan reports in Operations Dashboard to view affected assets and detected vulnerabilities found by Network Vulnerability Scanner along with risk score of the affected assets.