View information about devices and manage devices on the Devices tab.

You can view the following information on the Devices tab.
Device information in the following format: Owner's name + Brand + Model
Example: John Doe's Apple iPhone 7
  • Click the device name to view detailed information in the device details panel.
Agent status
The status of the Mobile Security for Business
  • Normal
    The Mobile Security for Business is connected to the server and has retrieved the latest policy information.
  • Outdated
    The Mobile Security for Business is connected to the server and has not retrieved the latest policy information.
  • Inactive
    The Mobile Security for Business is not connected to the server and has not reported any data for 30 consecutive days.
  • Operating system
  • OS version
The operating system running on the device
When using Intune integration, Operating system also includes the enrollment profile type of the device running Android.
Mobile Security supports the following Android management solution and enrollment profile types:
  • Android Enterprise: Personally-owned devices with work profile, Corporate-owned dedicated devices, and Corporated-owned, fully managed user devices
  • Android device administrator
Whether the device is corporate-owned or personally-owned in Intune integration
Risk level
The risk level that Mobile Security for Business assigns to the device based on the scan result
  • Low
    Mobile Security detected slightly suspicious characteristics of threats in the last scan. For example, the developer mode or USB debugging is enabled or the operating system is out of date.
  • Medium
    Mobile Security detected moderately suspicious characteristics of threats in the last scan, such as potentially unwanted apps and malicious Wi-Fi networks.
  • High
    Mobile Security detected highly suspicious characteristics of threats in the last scan, such as malicious apps, malicious iOS/iPadOS profile, or rooted device.
The policy that the device applies
The owner of the device
Last scanned
The time when the device was last scanned
You can perform the following actions on the Devices tab.
Filter device data
Use the following drop-down lists and the search box to locate specific device data:
  • Agent status
  • Operating system
  • Risk level
Unenroll devices
Select one or more devices from the list and click Unenroll Device.
Trend Micro recommends unenrolling devices that have been transferred to other users or made obsolete.
View device details
Click a device name. View information about the device hardware, operating system, and security profile. You can also click the links to access information about the most recent detections.
If a device's risk level is Medium or High, you can click Right_arrow_icon=GUID-7E5A9DB2-5872-4CB7-BF57-C8FD892D60DB=1=en-us=Low.png to view the scan result of the device.
Wipe devices
Click the Wipe action icon wipe_device=20230317090707.jpg corresponding to a device.
This action applies to Android devices using Intune integration only.
The Wipe action restores devices to their factory defaults, permanently deletes all data from the devices, and removes the devices from the Mobile Inventory list.
Mobile Security cannot remotely wipe Android devices with the Personally-owned devices with work profile type.
Lock devices
Click the Remote Lock action icon remote_lock_device=dea03be0-cd7e-4a62-a611-282000b0a931.jpg corresponding to a device.
This action applies to Android devices using Intune integration only.
The Remote Lock action locks a device. To unlock the device, the device owner needs to enter their passcode.
Mobile Security cannot remotely wipe Android devices that do not have a PIN or password configured.