Configure the Application Control module to define its behavior for a policy. Generally, use the following steps to configure the module:


  1. Create an ApplicationControlPolicyExtension object and add the Ruleset IDs to use. Also configure the running state (on or off).
  2. Create an PolicySettings object to configure runtime settings of the module.
  3. Create a Policy object and add the ApplicationControlPolicyExtension and PolicySettings objects.
  4. Use a PoliciesApi object to add or update the policy on Server & Workload Protection.

What to do next

For more information about Application Control, see About Application Control.
The following example creates an
object and turns on application control. The object is added to a
object which is used to modify a policy on Server & Workload Protection.
# Get the policy
policies_api = api.PoliciesApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

# Turn on Application Control
application_control_policy_extension = api.ApplicationControlPolicyExtension()
application_control_policy_extension.state = "on"

# Update the policy
update_policy = api.Policy()
update_policy.application_control = application_control_policy_extension

# Modify the policy on Server & Workload Protection
app_control_policy = policies_api.modify_policy(policy_id, update_policy, api_version, overrides=False)
return app_control_policy
Also see the Modify a Policy operation in the API Reference. For information about authenticating API calls, see Authenticate with Server & Workload Protection.