This widget displays the total number of security threat detections on your network. Data can be filtered by security threat type or by the location on your network where the threat is detected.
  • Product Category
    File server
    Security threats on file servers detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Security threats on your network detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Unidentified security threats
    Security threats on email servers detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Security threats on desktops detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Security threats at the gateway detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Apex Central server
    Security threats on Apex Central servers detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
  • Violation Type
    Behavior Monitoring
    Behavior Monitoring violation detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Content Violation
    Content security violations (spam, blocked keywords and expressions) detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Device Control
    Device Control violation detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Firewall Violation
    Firewall violation by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Network Content Inspection
    Network Content Inspection violation detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Predictive Machine Learning
    Predictive Machine Learning detection by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Spyware/grayware detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Suspicious Files
    Suspicious file detection by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Viruses/malware detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
    Web Security
    Web security violations (malicious URLs, blocked URLs) detected by any managed product that the Data Scope specifies
The widget can display data for only one information type at a time.
Click the links in the Detections column to open a screen that displays detailed information. Apex Central performs a log query to provide the detailed information.
Type of security threat or managed product where the threat is detected
Number of security threats detected
Percentage (%)
Security threat percentage of total number of detected threats
Specify the date range for the data that the widget displays:
  • Today
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 14 days
  • Last 30 days
Specify how the widget displays the data:
  • Pie chart
  • Bar chart
  • Tabular
  • Line chart
By default the widget displays data from all the managed products that a user's account privileges allow.
To change the information that the widget displays, click dashboard_more_options=GUID-0753A496-E78E-4747-8B59-445D96BFB5BE=1=en-us=Low.jpgdashboard_settings_icon=GUID-E62B9169-23CF-4C89-83A8-0A4D0F7E46B9=1=en-us=Low.jpg. On the dialog box that appears, specify the Scope by clicking w_scope=GUID-D4EAF8B9-EAFF-46C3-94FC-CA65467035B5=1=en-us=Low.png and selecting the parent servers that the widget uses as its source.