To configure centralized scan exception settings, go to the following paths:
  • Inbound ProtectionVirus ScanScan Exceptions
  • Outbound ProtectionVirus ScanScan Exceptions
Scan exceptions under Inbound Protection apply to incoming messages, while scan exceptions under Outbound Protection apply to outgoing messages. The scan actions configured for each exception apply to all senders and recipients.
Specify actions for Cloud Email Gateway Protection to take on email messages that meet the scan exception criteria.


  1. On the Scan Exceptions screen, click the action name for an exception in the Actions column.
    The Select Scan Exception Actions screen appears.
  2. Configure Intercept settings.

    Do not intercept messages
    Cloud Email Gateway Protection does not take action on the message and processes the message using other policy rules if other policy rules apply.
    Delete entire message
    Cloud Email Gateway Protection deletes the message, including its attachments.
    Cloud Email Gateway Protection moves the message into quarantine.
  3. Configure Modify settings.

    Tag subject
    1. Select the Tag subject action to insert configurable text into the message subject line.
    2. Type a tag in the Tag field, for example, Spam.
    3. Optionally select Do not tag digitally signed messages. to prevent tags from breaking digital signatures.
    Insert X-Header
    1. Select Insert X-Header to add an X-Header to the header of a message.
    2. Type the X-Header name and value.
      Do not use or start your X-Header name (case-insensitive) with the following since they are reserved for Cloud Email Gateway Protection:
      • X-TM
      • X-MT
      The reserved X-Headers might be adjusted dynamically if necessary.
  4. Configure Monitor settings.
    1. Select the Send notification action.
    2. Click the message to people link.
      The Notifications screen appears.
    3. Select a notification message from the Available pane on the left side and click Add>.
      The Add, Edit, Copy and Delete buttons under Available are provided for managing notification messages. For details about managing notifications, see Managing notifications.
    4. Click Save to save the notification setting.
    The Modify and Monitor settings are not mandatory.
  5. Click Save.
    If multiple scan exceptions are triggered for one email message, Cloud Email Gateway Protection chooses the action with the highest priority from the configured Intercept actions, combines the action with the Modify and Monitor actions, and performs those actions together on the message.
    Intercept actions are listed as follows in descending order of priority:
    • Delete entire message
    • Quarantine
    • Do not intercept messages