Conduct agentless scanning of your supported network assets for fast visibility into vulnerabilities in your organization's infrastructure.

This is a "Pre-release" feature and is not considered an official release. Please review the Pre-release disclaimer before using the feature.
This feature is not available in all regions.
Network Vulnerability Scanner allows you to systematically identify potential security weaknesses across your network assets to safeguard against cyber threats and ensure the integrity of your organization’s infrastructure. No agent deployment is required. You can create individual scan configurations and set the scans to run on a predetermined schedule or trigger scans manually.
Network Vulnerability Scanner requires an up-to-date Service Gateway virtual appliance with the Network Vulnerability Scanner service installed. When configuring a new scan in Scan Templates or by clicking Create scan in Network scans, you may choose the Service Gateway to use for the specified scan. Only Service Gateways with the Network Vulnerability Scanner service installed are able to perform scans.
To request more templates, click Need more templates?Scan templates and provide your feedback.
After a scan completes, you can download the scan report from the Scan Reports tab to view discovered devices and detected vulnerabilities. Discovered devices appear in Attack Surface Discovery. Detected vulnerabilities appear in Operations Dashboard and Executive Dashboard.
Currently only basic scans of Cisco network devices running Cisco IOS 12 or 15 on a specified network segment are supported. You must supply valid authentication credentials for target network assets when configuring the scan.