
Get visibility of the emails reported by your end users through the add-in for Outlook.

Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection provides you visibility into the emails that your users report as a spam, phishing, or not a risk through the add-in for Outlook. On the User-Reported Emails screen, you can get the volume and variety of the reported emails and view the details of each report email.
If you have multiple organizations, select an organization to view data.
The following table details the sections available on the User-Reported Emails screen.
Total number of reported emails and number of emails reported as spam, phishing, or not a risk.
You can select a time range to view the data. Both the pie chart and the line chart are available.
Reported Email Details
Details about each reported email, including the reporting time, subject, message ID, reported type. In this section, you can perform the following operations on the reported emails:
  • Filter emails: Select the time range and reported type, specify the email subject , and press ENTER. You can also click the filter icon (filter-icon.jpg) to add more criteria.
  • Download emails: Select one or multiple emails and click Download.
  • View emails approved, rejected, or waiting for approval: Click Waiting for Approval, Approved, or Rejected to view the emails whose reporting is waiting for approval, approved, or rejected.
    If you expect that the emails reporting by end users should be manually approved before sent to Trend Micro, enable email reporting approval. For details, see Configuring the Add-in for Outlook.