
Use the advanced search filter to create and apply customized searches.

The following table outlines the actions available for the advanced search filter.
Toggle panel visibility
Click on the filter icon (dddna_graph_filter=GUID-1A803C70-BBB6-4F2B-BF16-6B5CFFFAC409=1=en-us=Low.png) located next to the Playback Bar to display or hide the advanced search filter.
Apply a saved search filter
With the advanced search filter panel displayed, click on the Saved Search drop-down list (dddna_graph_filter_saved=GUID-A727E549-C476-490A-9516-B75894896A4E=1=en-us=Low.png) and then select a saved advanced search filter to apply to the Correlation Graph.
Add an advanced search filter
With the advanced search filter panel displayed, add an advanced search filter to apply to the Correlation Graph.
Save an advanced search filter
With any filter applied and the advanced search filter panel hidden, click the Save icon (dddna_graph_filter_save=GUID-E88FB4E9-E8E8-47D1-B049-703081AFDFA9=1=en-us=Low.png), and then select Save or Save as to save the advanced search filter.
Edit an advanced search filter
With any filter applied and the advanced search filter panel hidden, click the Edit icon (dddna_graph_filter_edit=GUID-7E5191D5-4442-4954-85C3-8BF3E872717B=1=en-us=Low.png) to display the advanced search filter panel, and then edit the search criteria.
Click the Save button (dddna_graph_filter_save_big=GUID-CD23F513-9A6C-42C9-AD42-22D0C1EF30DC=1=en-us=Low.png) and select Save to save the advanced search filter.
Clear filter
With any advanced search filter applied, click the Clear icon (dddna_graph_filter_clear=GUID-726D6A5B-48A2-40ED-BEDE-497AC20DA88A=1=en-us=Low.png) to clear the advanced search filter.