Amazon Macie is a data security service that integrates with Trend Vision One to scan S3 buckets for sensitive data and potential data leak issues.
To use Data Posture, you must enable both Amazon Macie and the Automated Discovery setting in Amazon Macie on your AWS account. Automated Discovery is enabled by default when you enable Amazon Macie, so if you've already set up Amazon Macie on your AWS account, you only need to verify that it has not been disabled.
The following Amazon Macie instructions were valid as of April 8, 2024. For further help, check your Amazon Macie documentation.
To enable Amazon Macie:


  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at
  2. From the AWS Regionlist, select the region in which you want to enable and use Amazon Macie.
  3. Click Get started.
  4. Click Enable Macie.
    AWS Macie starts monitoring the buckets for security and access control.