Add new custom tags to assign to your organization's assets.


  1. Go to Tag ManagementTag Library and click Custom tags.
  2. Click + Add tag.
    The Manage Tags window appears.
  3. Type a Tag property for the custom tag.
    Tag properties have a maximum length of 64 characters, and cannot have initial or final spaces. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and the following special characters are supported: .@:+=_/-
  4. Type one or more Tag values for the tag property.
    You can add up to 35 values for each tag property.
    Tag values have a maximum length of 64 characters, and cannot have initial or final spaces. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and the following special characters are supported: .@:+=_/-
  5. You can click + Add tag to create additional custom tags.
  6. Click Save.
    The new custom tag appears on the Custom tags screen.