View the permissions currently granted to registered identities in your organization to better understand the users and applications authorized to use a resource.
ImportantThis is a "Pre-release" feature and is not considered an official release. Please
review the Pre-release disclaimer before using the feature.
NoteThis feature is not available in all regions.
The Granted Permissions tab under the Entitlements tab in Identity Inventory allows you to view the permissions granted in your organization to registered applications
from authorized users. Users grant applications permission to access or modify resources.
The following table details the actions you can take from the Granted Permissions tab.
Search permissions
Enter a permission name into the search field to search for specific permissions.
Filter CA policies
Filter permissions by categories such as status and authorized resource.
View users granting specific permissions
Click the number in the Authorized applications column or the Authorized users column to view a list of users who have granted permissions and the applications
to which the users have granted permissions
Access detailed profiles
Click on a policy name to access the detailed profile for the policy, including identity