
Set your home page of Trend Vision One, customize the menu by pinning or unpinning app groups, and opt in to or opt out of Trend Vision One pre-release apps/services.

To decide which app or service to land on after signing in to the console, set your home page by clicking Change and then select an app or service on the All tab.
After an app or service is set as the home page, its associated app group is pinned automatically and cannot be unpinned.
The following table outlines the actions available on the All tab (Platform Directory in the menu).
View available apps
Displays Trend Vision One apps and services organized by app groups
Apps that are available in the console depend on your company's access tier.
Customize the menu
Allows you to add an app group to or remove it from the menu bar by clicking the pin icon (pin=bf365fd8-2cfb-4e4a-a97f-57bd7635c364.jpg)
  • You cannot pin an app group that your user role does not have permission to access.
  • Resource Center and Help and Support always show in the menu bar.
Open an app
Allows you to go to an app by clicking the app name
  • You can view but cannot open an app that your user role does not have permission to access.
  • For an unpinned app group, clicking an app name in the group automatically adds the app group to the menu bar.
The following table outlines the actions available on the Pre-release Features tab.
View pre-release apps/services
Shows a list of pre-release apps/services that are currently available to use at no added cost during the pre-release preview
Opt in to all pre-release apps/services
Allows you to choose to try all current and future Trend Vision One pre-release apps/services with one click
After you opt in, the entry of each pre-release app/service appears in the corresponding app group on the navigation bar.
Opting in is available to Master Administrators only.
For customers that have already been using Trend Vision One prior to January 8, 2024, opting in is automatically enabled. You must manually opt out if you do not want to use pre-release apps/services.
Opt out of all pre-release apps/services
Allows you to stop using all current and future pre-release apps/services with one click
Opting out is available to Master Administrators only.
If you opt out, you lose access to all pre-release apps/services that you are currently using. Trend Vision One still keeps your configurations and data for any previously opted-in pre-release app/service and purges data according to the data retention policies for Trend Vision One.