Connect a Deep Discover Inspector appliance using a Service Gateway as a proxy.

Connecting your Deep Discovery Inspector appliance to Network Security using a Service Gateway as a proxy automatically configures the appliance connection settings, including using the Service Gateway as a service source.
Before connecting to Network Security using a Service Gateway as a proxy, make sure you have configured a Service Gateway with the following services enabled. For more information, see Managing services in Service Gateway.
  • Forward Proxy Service
  • ActiveUpdate
  • Smart Protection Services
  • Suspicious Object List synchronization (only required for Deep Discovery Inspector version 6.7)
  • Connecting to Network Security using a Service Gateway as a proxy is only supported by Deep Discovery Inspector version 6.7 or later.
  • If you are connecting a Deep Discovery Inspector virtual appliance deployed using an image that is not company-specific, you must activate the license before connecting to Network Security.


  1. In the Trend Vision One console, go to Network SecurityNetwork InventoryDeep Discovery Inspector.
  2. Click Connect Appliance.
  3. For Product, select Deployed Deep Discovery Inspector.
  4. Select 6.7 or later.
  5. Select Connect using a Service Gateway as proxy from the connection method list.
  6. Select a Service Gateway from the list.
  7. Specify the Deep Discovery Inspector appliance IP address or FQDN.
    You can only access appliances that are part of your corporate network or that you can reach directly.
  8. Click Go.
    The Deep Discovery Inspector appliance console opens.
  9. On the Deep Discovery Inspector console, sign in with an administrator account.
  10. (Optional) Change the password.
  11. In the Registering to Trend Vision One dialog, click Continue to confirm the process.
  12. In the Trend Vision One console, go to Network SecurityNetwork InventoryDeep Discovery Inspector to verify the connection status.