The User/Endpoint Directory screen displays Endpoint information for a specified time range.
  • Use the drop-down controls below the Endpoints or Users tab to specify the time period for the data that displays or to switch between Tabular view and Timeline view.
  • Click Export to export the data as a *.csv file or *.png image.
    Tabular view only supports exporting data as a *.csv file. Timeline view can export data as a *.csv file or a *.png image. The exported *.png timeline image only displays information for a maximum of 30 users or endpoints.
The following table describes the User information that displays on the User/Endpoint Directory screen in Tabular view.
If the endpoint or user is assigned an importance tag, Apex Central displays a yellow star icon (importance_icon=GUID-942E1AFF-79D6-48CC-920D-93301F1D6C03=1=en-us=Low.jpg) to indicate importance.
For more information, see User or Endpoint Importance.
The host name or device name
Click an endpoint name to view the Endpoint screen that opens to the Policy Status tab.
For more information, see Policy Status.
IP Address
The static or dynamic IP address of the endpoint
Machine or device type: server, desktop, laptop, mobile device, and others
Operating System
The operating system running on the machine or device
Endpoint Server
The server name and product installed on the server that manages the endpoint
The name or email address of the most recent user who logged on and/or used the endpoint
For more information, see Contact Information.
The total number of security threats that occurred on the endpoint
Click the Threats count to view the related threat information for the endpoint.
For more information, see Security Threats on Endpoints.
The following table describes the Endpoint information that displays on the User/Endpoint Directory screen in Timeline view.

Endpoint Details in Timeline View

The host name or device name
Click an endpoint name to view the Endpoint screen that opens to the Policy Status tab.
For more information, see Policy Status.
If the endpoint is assigned an important tag, Apex Central displays a yellow star icon (importance_icon=GUID-942E1AFF-79D6-48CC-920D-93301F1D6C03=1=en-us=Low.jpg) in front of the endpoint name.
For more information, see User or Endpoint Importance.
The total number of security threats that occurred on the endpoint
Click the Threats count to view the related threat information for the endpoint.
For more information, see Security Threats on Endpoints.
The timeline indicates when the security threats occurred for each endpoint.
  • Hover over a red warning dot (user_endpoint_timeline_warning=GUID-CEDDA081-E2E0-4D48-8883-04E44C50A659=1=en-us=Low.jpg) to view the number of critical threats and the total number of all security threat detections for an endpoint on a specific date.
  • Hover over a solid red dot (user_endpoint_timeline_solid=GUID-9B3E30AF-1B6A-49D9-9716-E8ABB9D0A62C=1=en-us=Low.jpg) to view the number of non-critical threat detections for an endpoint on a specific date.
For more information, see Security Threats on Endpoints.