Configure general settings for the following:
  • Enable or disable real-time scanning
  • Enable or disable RMS-protected file scanning
  • Specify the policy name
  • Specify the policy description
  • Specify the policy priority value
  • Select targets that the policy affects

Configuring general settings


  1. Select General.
  2. Enable the policy.
  3. (Microsoft 365 services only) Optionally enable scanning for encrypted files and email messages.
    • For SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams (Teams), or Microsoft Teams (Chat), turn on Enable RMS Protected File Scanning or Enable MIP-related Functions.
      This option only appears when you have added an RMS account or a MIP account.
    • For Exchange Online email messages, turn on Enable MIP-related Functions.
      This option only appears when you have granted Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection access to Exchange Online or Exchange Online (Inline Mode) with an Authorized Account, and have added a MIP account without skipping Step 5 in Adding an MIP Account.
      This feature only applies to messages sent by users in your organization.
  4. (Exchange Online and Gmail only) Optionally select not to scan email messages in users' Junk Email folder for Exchange Online or users' Spam folder for Gmail during real-time and manual scanning.
  5. Specify a policy name and description.
  6. Specify the policy's priority value.
    Priority is assigned numerically, with "1" being the highest priority. The lower the priority value, the higher the priority. Its value ranges from 1 to 99999.
  7. (Exchange Online Inline Mode only) Select Target Domains or Target Users / Groups.
  8. In the Available Targets area, select one or multiple targets, and then click the arrow button to add them to the Selected Targets area.
    Exchange Online
    Users and groups in your company's Active Directory infrastructure
    Exchange Online (Inline Mode)
    Domains or users/groups in your company's Active Directory infrastructure
    SharePoint Online
    SharePoint sites in your company
    Users and groups in your company that have OneDrive sites
    Microsoft Teams
    Teams in your company
    Teams Chat
    Users and groups in your company's Active Directory infrastructure
    Box, Dropbox
    Users and groups in your company
    Google Drive
    Users and organization units in your company
    Users and groups in your company
    Gmail (Inline Mode)
    Domains or users/groups in your company
    Click Click here to resynchronize the list if the target to add is not found.
    You can select a policy configuration on the left navigation to continue with additional rules as necessary.