
Learn how to manually sync and remove endpoints from your Protection Managers after uninstalling the Trend Vision One agent.

If you used the uninstall tool to remove the Trend Vision One agent from your endpoint, some agents automatically sync with the Endpoint Inventory app to remove the endpoint from the inventory. The process might take some time to complete.
However, some endpoints might require you to manually sync your Product Managers or enable automatic cleanup settings. You might also need to manually sync the endpoint list in Zero Trust Secure Access.


  1. For sensor only endpoints, enable automatic removal of inactive endpoints.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to Endpoint SecurityEndpoint Inventory.
    2. Click the settings icon (gear_icon=fc9a51ad-35af-4fe3-92c6-5e41b2dfc5d9.png) and go to Global Settings.
    3. On the Sensor Settings tab, select Automatically remove inactive Endpoint Sensor endpoints.
    4. Click Save.
  2. For Standard Endpoint Protection Windows endpoints, enable inactive agent removal.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to Endpoint SecurityStandard Endpoint ProtectionDirectoriesProduct Servers.
    2. Click the link to open the Windows Endpoint Group Manager (Server) console.
    3. Go to AdministrationInactive Agents.
    4. Select Enable automatic removal of inactive agents.
    5. Click Save.
  3. For Standard Endpoint Protection macOS endpoints, manually remove the agent.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to Endpoint SecurityStandard Endpoint ProtectionDirectoriesProduct Servers.
    2. Click the link to open the macOS Endpoint Group Manager (Server) console.
    3. Go to AgentsAgent Management.
    4. Select the agent to remove.
    5. Click Manage Agent Tree and then click Remove Agent.
  4. For Server & Workload Protection, manually delete the agent or enable inactive agent cleanup.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to Endpoint SecurityServer & Workload Protection and select the instance.
    2. To delete the endpoint, go to Computers.
    3. Select the uninstalled endpoint and click Delete....
    4. To set up inactive agent cleanup, go to AdministrationSystem SettingsAgents.
    5. Under the Inactive Agent Cleanup section, select Delete Agents that have been inactive for: and specify the duration.
  5. For Zero Trust Secure Access, manually refresh the endpoint list on the Secure Access Module screen.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to Zero Trust Secure AccessSecure Access ConfigurationSecure Access ModuleEndpoints.
    2. Click the refresh icon (refresh=5bd75452-c2fb-43ed-90e6-7b552fdc5dd2.png) to update the endpoint list.