
Cross-sign your CA certificate with the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file provided by Internet Access for use by Internet Access Gateways.

Internet Access allows administrators to cross-sign your organization's own CA certificate with the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file provided by Trend Micro, and upload the cross-signed certificate on the Trend Vision One management console. Cross-signing the CA certificate establishes a trusted relationship between the Trend Micro CA certificate and your organization's own CA certificate.
Internet Access provides different CSR files for the cloud gateway and on-premises gateways.


  1. Check the following:
    • Your organization's CA certificate and the corresponding CA private key and its passphrase are already available.
    • The Path Length Constraint in your organization's CA certificate is set to None, so that there is no restriction on the CA certificates down in the hierarchy.
    • The administrator has a basic knowledge of openssl commands.
  2. Go to Zero Trust Secure AccessSecure Access ConfigurationInternet Access Configuration.
  3. Click the HTTPS Inspection tab.
  4. Click the Settings gear icon in the upper right.
  5. Click Download CSR and select the gateway type to download the corresponding CSR file to your local machine.
  6. Create a folder on your local machine and specify a name for the folder, for example, CrossSignIAGCA_cloud for the cloud gateway, CrossSignIAGCA_onprem for the on-premises gateway.
    The names of the folders and files created in this section are customizable.
  7. Go to the newly created folder.
  8. Create a subfolder named newcerts.
  9. Create an empty file named certindex.
  10. Create a file, copy and paste the following text, and then save it as serialfile in the folder that you created in step 6:
  11. Move the downloaded CSR file to the folder that you created in step 6, and rename it to iag_ca.csr.
  12. Create a file, copy and paste the following text into the file, and then save it as a configuration file named myca.conf in the folder that you created in step 6:
    default_ca = rootca
    #issuerAltName=issuer:copy  #this would copy the issuer name to altname
    new_certs_dir = newcerts
    unique_subject = no
    certificate = root.cer  #Your organization's CA certificate
    database = certindex
    private_key = root.key  #Your organization's CA private key
    serial = serialfile
    default_days = 3660     #Should be at least two years from the date of cross-signing
    default_md = sha256     #sha256 is required.
    policy = myca_policy
    x509_extensions = myca_extensions
    [ myca_policy ]
    countryName = optional
    stateOrProvinceName = optional
    localityName = optional
    organizationName = supplied
    organizationalUnitName = optional
    commonName = supplied
    emailAddress = optional
    [ myca_extensions ]     #These extensions are required.
    basicConstraints = CA:true
    subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
    authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always
    keyUsage = keyCertSign, cRLSign
  13. Run the following command to cross-sign your organization's CA certificate using the CSR file:
    openssl ca -batch -config myca.conf -notext -days 7320 -in iag_ca.csr -out iag_ca.cer
    A cross-signed certificate named 0A.pem is generated under folder newcerts.