Cloud Email Gateway Protection provides two options for the Deliver Now action:
  • Deliver the email message to the default mail server
    If you choose this option, Cloud Email Gateway Protection delivers the email message to the default mail server without executing any more rules for the affected email message.
    By default, all rules are automatically ordered for security and execution efficiency. Administrators are relieved of determining the order of rule execution. This option bypasses the automatic order of execution so that Cloud Email Gateway Protection can deliver the email message immediately.
    This option of Deliver now is not recommended for use as the only action. If you choose this option of Deliver now as the only action for spam, for example, all of that email message will simply be delivered to your recipients, as if there were no spam filter in place.
    If you use this option of Deliver now with a malware rule, ensure that you also have a Delete action for the malware rule. Only the Delete action takes higher priority than this option and so would be processed before it (and then terminate the processing of that rule).
    If you chose this option of Deliver now as the only action for a malware rule, email messages containing malware would leak through unblocked.
  • Deliver the email message to a specific mail server
    If you choose this option, Cloud Email Gateway Protection delivers the email message to the specific mail server that you have configured. This option is recommended if you have a secure messaging server on your network that can process or handle the message.
    Cloud Email Gateway Protection can track an email message only before it is delivered. After the delivery, the message is no longer traceable as it is not under the control of Cloud Email Gateway Protection.


  1. Select the Deliver now action from the Intercept section.
    • Click To the default mail server.
    • Click To a specific mail server. Specify the FQDN or IP address as well as the listening port number for a specific mail server.
      Click Test to check the connection between Cloud Email Gateway Protection and the mail server you specified.
    The corresponding TLS peer settings will still apply to the communication between Cloud Email Gateway Protection and the mail server you choose.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. Click OK on the Deliver now warning message that appears.