Perform the tasks in the sections below to configure and work with intrusion prevention rules.
For an overview of the intrusion prevention module, see Block exploit attempts using intrusion prevention.

The intrusion prevention rules list Parent topic

The Policies page provides a list of intrusion prevention rules. You can search for intrusion prevention rules, and open and edit rule properties. In the list, rules are grouped by application type, and some rule properties appear in different columns.
The TippingPoint column contains the equivalent Trend Micro TippingPoint rule ID. In the Advanced Search for intrusion prevention, you can search on the TippingPoint rule ID. You can also see the TippingPoint rule ID in the list of assigned intrusion prevention rules in the policy and computer editor.
To see the list, click Policies, and then below Common Objects/Rules click Intrusion Prevention Rules.

Intrusion prevention license types Parent topic

The Rule Availability column provides information about the available license types for the rule. Endpoint & Workload indicates this rule can be assigned under both Endpoint and Workload licenses. Workload rule availability means the rule can only be assigned when the license type is Workload.
The license type is Endpoint if all of the assigned rules have Endpoint & Workload rule availability, and it is Workload if at least one of the assigned rules has Workload rule availability.

See information about an intrusion prevention rule Parent topic

The properties of intrusion prevention rules include information about the rule and the exploit against which it protects.


  1. Click Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.

General Information Parent topic

  • Name: The name of the intrusion prevention rule.
  • Description: The description of the intrusion prevention rule.
  • Minimum Agent/Appliance Version: The minimum version of the agent required to support this intrusion prevention rule.

Details Parent topic

Clicking New (new=113a0212-fff8-4d58-8639-eee7dc505d85.png) or Properties (details=6adf47dd-913c-4586-8dcf-b57640800e39.png) displays the Intrusion Prevention Rule Properties window.
Intrusion Prevention Rules from Trend Micro are not directly editable through Server & Workload Protection. Instead, if the Intrusion Prevention Rule requires (or allows) configuration, those configuration options will be available on the Configuration tab. Custom Intrusion Prevention Rules that you write yourself will be editable, in which case the Rules tab will be visible.
  • Application Type: The application type under which this intrusion prevention rule is grouped.
    You can edit application types from this panel. When you edit an application type from here, the changes are applied to all security elements that use it.
  • Priority: The priority level of the rule. Higher priority rules are applied before lower priority rules.
  • Severity: Setting the severity of a rule has no effect on how the rule is implemented or applied. Severity levels can be useful as sorting criteria when viewing a list of intrusion prevention rules. More importantly, each severity level is associated with a severity value; this value is multiplied by a computer's Asset Value to determine the Ranking of an Event. (See Administration System Settings Ranking.)
  • CVSS Score: A measure of the severity of the vulnerability according the National Vulnerability Database.

Identification (Trend Micro rules only) Parent topic

  • Type: Can be either Smart (one or more known and unknown (zero day) vulnerabilities), Exploit (a specific exploit, usually signature based), or Vulnerability (a specific vulnerability for which one or more exploits may exist).
  • Issued: The date the rule was released. This does not indicate when the rule was downloaded.
  • Last Updated: The last time the rule was modified either locally or during Component Update download.
  • Identifier: The rule's unique identification tag.

See information about the associated vulnerability (Trend Micro rules only) Parent topic

Rules that Trend Micro provides can include information about the vulnerability against which the rule protects. When applicable, the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is displayed. (For information on this scoring system, see the CVSS page at the National Vulnerability Database.)


  1. Click Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. Click the Vulnerabilities tab.

Assign and unassign rules Parent topic

To apply intrusion prevention rules during agent scans, assign them to the appropriate policies and computers. When the rule is no longer necessary because the vulnerability has been patched, unassign the rule.
If you cannot unassign intrusion prevention rules from a Computer editor, it is likely because the rules are currently assigned in a policy. Rules assigned at the policy level must be removed using the Policy editor and cannot be removed at the computer level.
When you make a change to a policy, it affects all computers using the policy. For example, when you unassign a rule from a policy you remove the rule from all computers that are protected by that policy. To continue to apply the rule to other computers, create a new policy for that group of computers. (See Policies, inheritance, and overrides.)
To see the policies and computers to which a rule is assigned, see the Assigned To tab of the rule properties.


  1. On the Policies page, right-click the policy and select Details.
  2. Click Intrusion Prevention General. The rules assigned to the policy appear in the Assigned Intrusion Prevention Rules list.
  3. Click Assign/Unassign.
  4. To assign a rule, select the box next to the rule.
    A subset of Intrusion Prevention Rules, called core Endpoint and Workload rules, protects against known vulnerability issues. These rules are available for all license types, and you can easily assign them as a group:
    1. Select Rule Selection.
    2. Click Select all Core Endpoint & Workload Rules.
  5. To unassign a rule, clear the box next to the rule.
    To unassign Endpoint and Workload rules:
    • Select Rule Selection.
    • Click Deselect all Core Endpoint & Workload Rules.
  6. Click OK.

Automatically assign core Endpoint & Workload rules Parent topic

Server & Workload Protection assigns core Endpoint & Workload rules to this policy when rule updates occur. However, manually unassigned core Endpoint & Workload rules remain unassigned.
Enable this feature when you have the Endpoint license but, for the Workload license, disable this feature and use recommendation scans instead.


  1. On the Policies page, right-click the policy and select Details.
  2. Select Intrusion Prevention General. The rules assigned to the policy appear in the Assigned Intrusion Prevention Rules list.
  3. Select Yes for Implement core Endpoint & Workload rules automatically.
  4. Click Save.

Automatically assign updated required rules Parent topic

Security updates can include new or updated application types and intrusion prevention rules which require the assignment of secondary intrusion prevention rules. Server & Workload Protection can automatically assign these required rules. Enable these automatic assignments in properties for the policy or computer.


  1. On the Policies page, right-click the policy and select Details.
  2. Select Intrusion Prevention Advanced.
  3. In the Rule Updates area, select Yes.
  4. Click OK.

Configure event logging for rules Parent topic

Configure logging events for a rule and specify whether to include packet data in the log.
Server & Workload Protection can display X-Forwarded-For headers in intrusion prevention events when they are available in the packet data. This information can be useful when the agent is behind a load balancer or proxy. The X-Forwarded-For header data appears in the event's Properties window. To include the header data, include packet data in the log and assign rule 1006540, Enable X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header Logging.
Because it would be impractical to record all packet data every time a rule triggers an event, Server & Workload Protection records the data only the first time the event occurs within a specified time. The default time is five minutes, but you can change this using the Period for Log only one packet within period in Advanced Network Engine settings for the policy.
The configuration in the following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Click Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. On the General tab under Events, select from these options:
    • To disable logging for the rule, select Disable Event Logging.
    • To log an event when a packet is dropped or blocked, select Generate Event on Packet Drop.
    • To include the packet data in the log entry, select Always Include Packet Data.
    • To log several packets before and after the detected packet, select Enable Debug Mode. Use debug mode only when your support provider instructs you to do so.
  4. To include packet data in the log, allow rules to capture packet data:
    1. On the Policies page, open the policy.
    2. Select Intrusion Prevention Advanced.
    3. Under Event Data, select Yes.

Generate alerts Parent topic

Generate an alert when an intrusion prevention rule triggers an event.
The configuration in the following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Select Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the Options tab.
  5. For Alert, select On
  6. Click OK.

Setting configuration options (Trend Micro rules only) Parent topic

Some intrusion prevention rules that Trend Micro provides have configuration options like header length, allowed extensions for HTTP, or cookie length. Some options require you to configure them. If you assign a rule without setting a required option, an alert informs you about the required option. This also applies to any rules from Security Updates.
The Intrusion Prevention rules list indicates rules that have configuration options by displaying a small gear over the icon (dpi_rules_option=84381749-8bce-4bd3-82d6-ae9e9804e843.png).
Custom intrusion prevention rules include a Rules tab for editing the rules.
The configuration in the following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Select Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.
  4. Configure the properties.
  5. Click OK.

Schedule active times Parent topic

Schedule the time during which an intrusion prevention rule is active. Intrusion prevention rules that are active only at scheduled times appear in the Intrusion Prevention Rules page with a small clock on the icon (dpi_rules_schedule=5cff676b-4b6c-4114-8806-ef553e28b667.png).
With agent-based protection, schedules use the same time zone as the endpoint operating system.
The configuration performed in the following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Select Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. Click the Options tab.
  4. Under Schedule, select one of the following:
    • New
    • The frequency
  5. Edit the schedule.
  6. Click OK.

Exclude from recommendations Parent topic

Exclude intrusion prevention rules from rule recommendations of recommendation scans.
The following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Select Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. Click the Options tab.
  4. Under Recommendations Options, select Exclude from Recommendations.
  5. Click OK.

Set the context for a rule Parent topic

Set the context in which the rule is applied.
The following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Click Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. Click the Options tab.
  4. In the Context area, select New or select a context.
  5. Edit the context as required.
  6. Click OK.

Override the behavior mode for a rule Parent topic

Set the behavior mode of an intrusion prevention rule to Detect when testing new rules. In Detect mode, the rule creates a log entry prefaced with detect only: and does not interfere with traffic. Some intrusion prevention rules only operate in Detect mode. You cannot change the behavior mode for these rules. If you disable logging for the rule, the system does not log rule activity regardless of the behavior mode. For more information about behavior modes, see Use behavior modes to test rules.
The following procedure affects all policies. To configure a rule for one policy, see Override rule and application type configurations.


  1. Select Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. Select a rule and click Properties.
  3. Select Detect Only.

Override rule and application type configurations Parent topic

From a Computer or Policy editor, you can edit an intrusion prevention rule so that changes apply only for that policy or computer. You can also edit the rule to apply changes globally so they affect other policies and computers assigned that rule. Similarly, you can configure application types to apply globally or for a single policy or computer.


  1. On the Policies page, right-click the policy and select Details.
  2. Click Intrusion Prevention.
  3. To edit a rule, right-click the rule and select one of the following options:
    • Properties to edit the rule only for the policy
    • Properties (Global) to edit the rule for all policies and computers
    When you select the rule and click Properties, you are editing the rule only for that policy.
  4. To edit the application type of a rule, right-click the rule and select one of the following options:
    • Application Type Properties to edit the application type only for the policy
    • Application Type Properties (Global) to edit the application type for all policies and computers
    You can assign one port to a maximum of eight application types. More than eight and the rules will not work on that port.
  5. Click OK.

Export rules Parent topic

You can export intrusion prevention rules to an XML or CSV file.


  1. Select Policies Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  2. To export specific rules, select the rules. If you select none, the export includes all rules.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For a CSV file, select Export Export Selected to CSV.
    • For an XML file, select Export Export Selected to XML.

Import rules Parent topic

You can import intrusion prevention rules from an XML file.


  • Select New Import From File and follow the instructions in the wizard.