

  1. Go to the Configure Policy screen by performing one of the following:
    • Classic Mode: Go to SECURITY AGENTS and select a group. Click more-horiz.jpgConfigure Policy.
    • Advanced Mode: Go to POLICIESPolicy Management. Click Add or click an existing policy.
  2. Click apple.jpg Mac.
  3. Go to Privileges and Other Settings.
  4. Select Disable regular Security Agent upgrade and hotfix deployment.
    The Security Agent does not upgrade the program to a newer version, but can still receive component updates (such as the virus pattern file) to keep protection up to date. However, a critical upgrade can override the update setting and force the Security Agent to upgrade the program.
  5. Click Save.
  6. When the Security Agents are ready to upgrade, clear the same check box and save your settings.
    Worry-Free Services upgrades the Security Agents when the next release is available.