Use the command menu to perform various tasks on the endpoint and the Information tab to view detailed information about the endpoint.
The mobile device management commands might violate privacy or personal data protection regulations. Make sure you have the device owner's permission before sending a command.

Endpoint Commands

TasksRemote Locate
Finds the device location on a map
TasksRemote Lock
Locks the device
TasksRemote Wipe
Deletes all data on the device and the memory card, including all personal data, files, and apps. This feature also restores the device to factory settings.
This feature is not supported on devices running Android 14.0 or later.
TasksUpdate Now
Updates the latest components to the Security Agents
Update Now supports the following Security Agent versions:
  • Windows: 6.5 or later
  • Mac: 3.0.1093 or later
  • Android: 9.6 or later

Information Tab

Displays information such as the Security Agent status and where the Security Agent locates in the Security Agent Tree
Assigned Policy
(Available in Advanced Mode)
Displays the policy that the endpoint applies
Click the policy name to open the Configure Policy screen.
For more information , see Android Policy Settings.
Endpoint Details
Displays system information such as the operating system and IP address of the endpoint
Security Agent Details
Displays information such as scan components and recent manual scan records
Recent Commands
Displays status information on the commands recently sent from the Worry-Free Services web console