Trend Micro recommends using strong passwords for the web console. A strong password is at least eight characters long, has one or more uppercase letters (A-Z), has one or more lowercase letters (a-z), has one or more numerals (0-9), and has one or more special characters or punctuation marks (!@#$%^&,.:;?). Strong passwords never are the same as the user’s login name or contain the login name in the password itself. They do not consist of the user’s given or family name, birth dates, or any other item that is easily identified with the user.


  1. Click your user name at the top right corner of the web console and select My Account.
    The Customer Licensing Portal opens.
  2. Click My Account.
  3. Click Change password.
  4. Update the following options as required:
    • Old password
    • New password
    • Confirm password: Re-type the new password to confirm.
  5. Click OK.