The Allow Program List applies if you selected to restrict access to any storage device in Device Control. Use the list to configure a list of programs that Device Control does not restrict access on any device type.
The Allowed Program List does not support UNC paths.


  1. On the Device Control screen, click Exceptions.
  2. In the Programs section, click Allowed Program List.
  3. To add an allowed program:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Type the file path or the trusted digital signature provider information of programs that Device Control allows users to access.
      For more information on obtaining the digital signature provider information of a program, see Specifying a Digital Signature Provider.
      For more information on wildcard support in file paths, see Wildcard Support for the Device Control Allowed Programs List.
    3. Click OK.
  4. To edit an exception:
    1. Click the file path or digital signature provider name in the Allowed Program List.
    2. Update the exception.
    3. Press the ENTER key to save the changes.
  5. To delete an exception, point to the exception and click delete.jpg in the last column of the list.
  6. Click OK.