These instructions are written from the end user's perspective.
- Click the Download URL in the email.
- When the web page opens, click Download to start the
installation process. This downloader/installer cannot be copied to any other device.
- Follow the steps appropriate for your browser.
- Internet Explorer
When the first security warning opens, click Run. Do not click Save.
When the second security warning opens, click Run again.
The Agent installer will continue downloading (which can take a while).
Once the Agent installer opens, proceed to the next step.
- Firefox
When prompted, save the file to a convenient location on the computer.
Once the file (WFBS-SVC_Agent_Installer.exe) has been downloaded, double-click the file to start installing the Agent.
Once the Agent installer opens, proceed to the next step.
- Internet Explorer
- Click Next to begin installing the Agent.The installation starts. Once installation is completed, the screen displays the message: Installation Successful.Verify the installation by checking if the agent icon (
) appears in the Windows system tray.