Use the Uninstall Security Agent command for the following scenarios:
  • Windows: Uninstalls the Security Agent from the endpoint and removes the Security Agent from the Worry-Free Services web console
  • Other platforms: After uninstalling the Security Agent locally from the endpoint, use this command to remove the Security Agent from the Worry-Free Services web console
  • Inactive Security Agents: If the Security Agent is removed from the endpoint using other methods, such as reformatting the hard drive, the Security Agent eventually appears as inactive in the Security Agent List. Use this command to remove the Security Agent from the Worry-Free Services web console


  1. On the Worry-Free Services console, go to SECURITY AGENTS.
  2. Select the group containing the endpoint from which you want to remove the Security Agent.
  3. On the Security Agent List, select the endpoint.
  4. Click TasksUninstall Security Agent.
  5. Click Uninstall.
    The Security Agent List refreshes, and the selected endpoint disappears from the list.