Use the User Accounts screen to create user accounts and assign a particular role to each account.
Add user accounts
Click Add Account to create a new account. After saving the account information, Worry-Free Services sends an email notification to the user. The user must take action to complete the account activation process.
Edit user accounts
Click an account name to edit the account information.
Assign user roles
Select a role from the Role section when you create or edit accounts. User roles define the features that a user can access on the Worry-Free Services web console.
For more information on access permissions of each role, go to Worry-Free Business Security Service Roles.
Assign managed groups
Specify groups from the Manged groups section when you create or edit accounts. Users can only view and manage Security Agents within the specified and default groups.
For more information, see Features Affected by Managed Groups.
Remove user accounts
Click an account name and click the Remove button to remove the user account from the Worry-Free Services web console.
Reinvite users
Click Reinvite in the Last Signed In column and click Send to notify users to complete the account activation process.