

  1. Go to the Configure Policy screen by performing one of the following:
    • Classic Mode: Go to SECURITY AGENTS and select a group. Click more-horiz.jpgConfigure Policy.
    • Advanced Mode: Go to POLICIESPolicy Management. Click Add or click an existing policy.
  2. Click apple.jpg Mac.
  3. Go to Privileges and Other Settings.
  4. Configure the required settings.
    Postpone or cancel Scheduled Scan: Allows users to take actions on Scheduled Scan
    Agent Alerts
    Enable alerts to display a notification below the Security Agent icon when the specified events occur.
    Update Settings
    Disable regular Security Agent upgrade and hotfix deployment: Deploying hot fixes, patches, security/critical patches, and service packs to a large number of Security Agents simultaneously can significantly increase network traffic. Consider enabling this option on several groups so you can stagger the deployment.
  5. Click Save.