Use the tool to migrate Security Agent and policy settings from an on-premises server (OfficeScan or Worry-Free Business Security) to the Worry-Free Services web console.
For Apex One migration, refer to the OfficeScan descriptions.
The tool migrates the following settings:
The tool migrates the group structure and group names.
The migrated group name displays in the following format:
[OSCE]%OfficeScan group name(%OfficeScan server name)
Because Worry-Free Services only supports a single-level group structure, OfficeScan sub-domains are moved to the same level as their parent domains after migration. The tool keeps the original domain hierarchy in the migrated group name.
Worry-Free Business Security:
The migrated group name displays in the following format:
[BS]%Worry-Free Business Security group name(%Worry-Free Business Security server name)
Policy settings
The tool migrates policy settings for Windows Security Agents.
For details on OfficeScan policy migration, see Migrated Policy Setting Mapping for OfficeScan.
Windows Security Agent
After migration, the system tray icon and console interface of the Windows Security Agent will change.
The tool does not migrate the following settings:
Messaging Security Agent (Worry-Free Business Security)
OfficeScan plug-in programs
Security Agent console settings
Trend Micro Security for Mac server and agent settings
For information on supported versions and platforms, see:
  • Once migration completes, you cannot rollback, and the source server can no longer manage the Security Agents.
  • Ensure that you configure the following setting on the source server before performing migration:
    • OfficeScan XG: Select All components (including hotfixes and the agent program) under OfficeScan agents only update the following components: in Privileges and Other SettingsOther Settings
    • Worry-Free Business Security: Turn off the Disable Security Agent upgrade and hot fix deployment setting in Configure PolicyAgent Privileges
  • Do not uninstall or shut down the source server until all Security Agents have successfully migrated.


  1. On the Worry-Free Services web console, go to ADMINISTRATIONTools.
  2. Under On-Premises Server Migration Tool, click the download link.
    The link is available only when:
    • Your account is set to the Worry-Free Services Administrator role and you can manage all groups.
    • Policy Management is set to Classic Mode.
  3. Copy the tool to the source server.
  4. Double-click On-Premises Server Migration Tool.exe to start the tool.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform migration.
    After migrating the settings, the Security Agents will perform an upgrade. Worry-Free Services cannot manage the Security Agents until the upgrade completes.