The approved/blocked URL settings on this screen override the settings defined in the following:
The approved URL settings on this screen override the settings defined in the following:
  • Web Reputation
  • Global Approved and Blocked URL Lists


  1. Go to the Configure Policy screen by performing one of the following:
    • Classic Mode: Go to SECURITY AGENTS and select a group. Click more-horiz.jpgConfigure Policy.
    • Advanced Mode: Go to POLICIESPolicy Management. Click Add or click an existing policy.
  2. Click apple.jpg Mac.
  3. Go to Approved URLs.
  4. Specify the exceptions to use.
    • Global Approved URL List: Use the URLs configured in the global exception lists.
    • Specify exceptions: Add approved URLs to override all other settings.
  5. To add an exception:
    1. Click Add.
      Click the arrow next to Add and select Import from Global Exceptions to add the URLs configured in the global exception lists. You can then customize the required settings.
    2. Specify the approved URL.

      Approved URL List

      Approved URL List
      • Approving a URL implies approving or blocking all of its sub domains.
      • The * wildcard character is allowed
        For more information, see the Wildcard Support table below.
      • Use commas, semicolons, or the ENTER key to separate multiple entries
      • Do not use the following characters: " < > |
      • http://*

      Wildcard Support

      Supported Format
      Invalid Format
      The * character matches zero or more characters
      The following URLs using the wildcard are acceptable:
      • http://*
      Filtering only supports the FQDN, not the path. For example:
      •* would become*
      • http://www.ex**.* would become http://www.ex**
      The following URLs ending with a wildcard are not acceptable:
      • http://www.example.*
      • http://*.example.*
      The following URLs with the wildcard as the last character in the host name are not acceptable:
      • http://www.example.*/test/abc.html would become http://www.example.*/*
      •*/123/ would become*/*
    3. Click Add.
  6. To edit an exception:
    1. Click the URL in the Approved URL List.
    2. Update the exception.
    3. Press the ENTER key to save the changes.
  7. To delete an exception, point to the exception and click delete.jpg in the last column of the list.
  8. If an administrator feels that a URL has been misclassified, go to the following website:
  9. Click Save.