

  1. Go to the Configure Policy screen by performing one of the following:
    • Classic Mode: Go to SECURITY AGENTS and select a group. Click more-horiz.jpgConfigure Policy.
    • Advanced Mode: Go to POLICIESPolicy Management. Click Add or click an existing policy.
  2. Click window8.jpg Windows.
  3. Go to Scan Settings.
  4. Under Scan Method, select one of the following:
    • Smart Scan: Leverages anti-malware and antispyware signatures stored in-the-cloud
    • Conventional Scan: Leverages anti-malware and antispyware components stored locally on Security Agents
  5. Under Real-Time Scan, enable the feature and click Configure Settings.
  6. Under Scheduled Scan, enable the feature.
  7. Specify the scan frequency.
    • Daily: Scans every day at the specified time
    • Weekly, every <day_of_week>: Scans once a week on the specified day at the specified time
    • Monthly, on day <number>: Scans once a month on the specified day at the specified time
    If you select a day that does not exist within a given month (for example, day 30 does not exist in February), the Scheduled Scan occurs on the last day of that month.
  8. Click Configure Settings to configure Scheduled Scan settings.
  9. Under Manual Scan, click Configure Settings.
    For more information, see Manual Scan: Target Tab and Manual Scan: Action Tab.
  10. Click Save.