Adding Several Active Directory Accounts or Groups Parent topic


  1. Navigate to AdministrationUser Accounts.
  2. Click Add from Active Directory.
  3. Search for an account (user name or group) by specifying the user name and domain to which the account belongs.
    Use the character (*) to search for multiple accounts. If you do not specify the wildcard character, include the complete account name. OfficeScan will not return a result for incomplete account names or if the default group "Domain Users" is used.
  4. When OfficeScan finds a valid account, it displays the account name under User and Groups. Click the forward icon (>) to move the account under Selected Users and Groups.
    If you specify an Active Directory group, all members belonging to a group get the same role. If a particular account belongs to at least two groups and the role for both groups are different:
    • The permissions for both roles are merged. If a user configures a particular setting and there is a conflict between permissions for the setting, the higher permission applies.
    • All user roles display in the System Event logs. For example, "User John Doe logged on with the following roles: Administrator, Power User".
  5. Add more accounts or groups.
  6. Select a role for the accounts or groups.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Inform users to log on to the web console using their domain names and passwords.