The IPv6 requirements for the OfficeScan server
are as follows:
The server must be installed on Windows Server 2008.
It cannot be installed on Windows Server 2003 because this operating
system only supports IPv6 addressing partially.
The server must use an IIS web server. Apache web server
does not support IPv6 addressing.
If the server will manage IPv4 and IPv6 OfficeScan clients,
it must have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and must be identified
by its host name. If a server is identified by its IPv4 address,
IPv6 OfficeScan clients cannot
connect to the server. The same issue occurs if pure IPv4 clients
connect to a server identified by its IPv6 address.
If the server will manage only IPv6 clients, the minimum
requirement is an IPv6 address. The server can be identified by
its host name or IPv6 address. When the server is identified by
its host name, it is preferable to use its Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN). This is because in a pure IPv6 environment, a WINS
server cannot translate a host name to its corresponding IPv6 address.
FQDN can only be specified when performing a local installation of
the server. It is not supported on remote installations.