OfficeScan notifies client users when update-related
events occur.
Navigate to Networked Computers → Global Client Settings.
Go to the Alert Settings section.
Select the following options:
Show the alert icon on the windows
taskbar if the virus pattern file is not updated after __ day(s): An alert icon displays on the Windows
task bar to remind users to update a Virus Pattern that has not
been updated within the specified number of days. To update the pattern,
use any of the update methods discussed in OfficeScan
Client Update Methods.
All clients managed by the server will apply this setting.
Display a notification message if the client
computer needs to restart to load a kernel mode driver: After installing a hot fix or an upgrade
package that contains a new version of a kernel mode driver, the
driver’s previous version may still exist on the computer. The only way
to unload the previous version and load the new one is to restart the
computer. After restarting the computer, the new version automatically
installs and no further restart is necessary.
The notification
message displays immediately after a client computer
installs the hot fix or upgrade package.