Installation Methods Parent topic

All of the OfficeScan client installation methods can be used to install the OfficeScan client on pure IPv6 or dual-stack clients. For some installation methods, there are special requirements to install the OfficeScan client successfully.
It is not possible to migrate ServerProtect™ to the OfficeScan client using the ServerProtect Normal Server Migration Tool because the tool does not support IPv6 addressing.

Installation Methods and IPv6 Support

Installation Method
Web install page and browser-based installation
The URL to the installation page includes the OfficeScan server’s host name or its IP address.
If you are installing to a pure IPv6 client, the server must be dual-stack or pure IPv6 and its host name or IPv6 address must be part of the URL.
For dual-stack clients, the IPv6 address that displays in the installation status screen depends on the option selected in the Preferred IP Address section of Networked ComputersGlobal Client Settings.
Client Packager
When running the packager tool, you will need to choose whether to assign Update Agent privileges to the client. Remember that a pure IPv6 Update Agent can distribute updates only to pure IPv6 or dual-stack clients.
Security Compliance, Vulnerability Scanner, and remote installation
A pure IPv6 server cannot install the OfficeScan client on pure IPv4 endpoints. Similarly, a pure IPv4 server cannot install the OfficeScan client on pure IPv6 endpoints.