Testing the OfficeScan Firewall Parent topic

To ensure that the OfficeScan firewall works properly, perform a test on a OfficeScan client or group of OfficeScan clients.
Test OfficeScan client program settings in a controlled environment only. Do not perform tests on client computers connected to the network or to the Internet. Doing so may expose OfficeScan client computers to viruses, hacker attacks, and other risks.


  1. Create and save a test policy. Configure the settings to block the types of traffic you want to test. For example, to prevent the OfficeScan client from accessing the Internet, do the following:
    1. Set the security level to Low (allow all inbound/outbound traffic).
    2. Select Enable firewall and Notify users when a firewall violation occurs.
    3. Create an exception that blocks HTTP (or HTTPS) traffic.
  2. Create and save a test profile, selecting the clients to which you will test firewall features. Associate the test policy with the test profile.
  3. Click Assign Profile to Clients.
  4. Verify the deployment.
    1. Click Networked ComputersClient Management.
    2. Select the domain to which a client belongs.
    3. Select Firewall view from the client tree view.
    4. Check if there is a green check mark under the Firewall column of the client tree. If you enabled the Intrusion Detection System for that client, check that a green check mark also exists under the IDS column.
    5. Verify that the client applied the correct firewall policy. The policy appears under the Firewall Policy column in the client tree.
  5. Test the firewall on the client computer by attempting to send or receive the type of traffic you configured in the policy.
  6. To test a policy configured to prevent the client from accessing the Internet, open a web browser on the client computer. If you configured OfficeScan to display a notification message for firewall violations, the message displays on the client computer when an outbound traffic violation occurs.