Creating a Keyword List Parent topic


  1. Navigate to Networked ComputersData Loss PreventionData Identifiers.
  2. Click the Keyword tab.
  3. Click Add.
    A new screen displays.
  4. Type a name for the keyword list. The name must not exceed 100 bytes in length and cannot contain the following characters:
    • > < * ^ | & ? \ /
  5. Type a description that does not exceed 256 bytes in length.
  6. Choose one of the following criteria and configure additional settings for the chosen criteria:
    • Any keyword
    • All keywords
    • All keywords within <x> characters
    • Combined score for keywords exceeds threshold
  7. To manually add keywords to the list:
    1. Type a keyword that is 3 to 40 bytes in length and specify whether it is case-sensitive.
    2. Click Add.
  8. To add keywords by using the "import" option:
    Use this option if you have a properly-formatted .csv file containing the keywords. You can generate the file by exporting the keywords from either the OfficeScan server you are currently accessing or from another OfficeScan server.
    1. Click Import and then locate the .csv file containing the keywords.
    2. Click Open.
      A message appears, informing you if the import was successful. If a keyword to be imported already exists in the list, it will be skipped.
  9. To delete keywords, select the keywords and click Delete.
  10. To export keywords:
    Use the "export" feature to back up the keywords or to import them to another OfficeScan server. All keywords in the keyword list will be exported. It is not possible to export individual keywords.
    1. Click Export.
    2. Save the resulting .csv file to your preferred location.
  11. Click Save.
  12. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.
  13. Back in the DLP Data Identifiers screen, click Apply to All Clients.