Top Data Loss Preventions Incidents Widget Parent topic

This widget is available only if you activate OfficeScan Data Protection.
This widget shows the number of digital asset transmissions, regardless of the action (block or pass).
To view data:
  1. Select a time period for the detections. Choose from:
    • Today: Detections in the last 24 hours, including the current hour
    • 1 Week: Detections in the last 7 days, including the current day
    • 2 Weeks: Detections in the last 14 days, including the current day
    • 1 Month: Detections in the last 30 days, including the current day
  2. After selecting the time period, choose from:
    • User: Users that transmitted digital assets the most number of times
    • Channel: Channels most often used to transmit digital assets
    • Template: Digital asset templates that triggered the most detections
    • Computer: Computers that transmitted digital assets the most number of times
    This widget shows a maximum of 10 users, channels, templates, or computers.