Configuring Service Restart Settings Parent topic


  1. Navigate to Networked ComputersGlobal Client Settings.
  2. Go to the OfficeScan Service Restart section.
  3. Select Automatically restart an OfficeScan client service if the service terminates unexpectedly.
  4. Configure the following:
    • Restart the service after __ minutes: Specify the amount of time (in number of minutes) that must elapse before OfficeScan restarts a service.
    • If the first attempt to restart the service fails, retry __ times: Specify the maximum retry attempts for restarting a service. Manually restart a service if it remains stopped after the maximum retry attempts.
    • Reset the restart failure count after __ hours: If a service remains stopped after exhausting the maximum retry attempts, OfficeScan waits a certain number of hours to reset the failure count. If a service remains stopped after the number of hours elapses, OfficeScan restarts the service.