Installation of a plug-in program’s
client-side agent may fail or the agent may not display in the OfficeScan client console for
the following reasons:
Client Plug-in Manager (CNTAosMgr.exe)
is not running. In the OfficeScan client computer,
open Windows Task Manager and run the CNTAosMgr.exe process.
The installation package for the client-side agent was
not downloaded to the OfficeScan client computer
folder located in <Client installation folder>\AU_Data\AU_Temp\{xxx}AU_Down\Product.
Check Tmudump.txt located in \AU_Data\AU_Log\ for
the download failure reasons.
If an agent successfully installs, agent information
is available in <Client installation folder>\AOSSvcInfo.xml.
The agent installation was unsuccessful or requires further
action. You can check the installation status from the plug-in
management console and perform actions such as restarting the OfficeScan client computer after
installation or installing required operating system patches before