Updating OfficeScan Client Components Automatically Parent topic


  1. Navigate to UpdatesNetworked ComputersAutomatic Update.
  2. Select the events that will trigger component update.
    • Initiate component update on clients immediately after the OfficeScan server downloads a new component
    • Let clients initiate component update when they restart and connect to the OfficeScan server (roaming clients are excluded)
    • Perform Scan Now after updating (excluding roaming clients)
  3. Select how often clients with scheduled update privilege will perform scheduled update.
    • If you have granted clients scheduled update privilege, proceed to the next step.
    • If you have not granted clients scheduled update privilege, perform the following steps first:
    1. Go to Networked ComputersClient Management.
    2. In the client tree, select the clients that you want to have the privilege.
    3. Click SettingsPrivileges and Other Settings.
      • Option 1: On the Privileges tab, go to the Component Update Privileges section. You will see the Enable scheduled update option.
      • Option 2: On the Other Settings tab, go to the Update Settings section. You will see another Enable scheduled update option.
      If you want to give client users the ability to enable or disable scheduled update on the OfficeScan client console, enable options 1 and 2. After you save the settings, updates will run on the client computer as scheduled. Scheduled updates will only stop running when a client user right-clicks the OfficeScan client icon on the system tray and selects Disable scheduled update.
      If you want scheduled update to always run and prevent client users from disabling scheduled update, disable option 1 and enable option 2.
    4. Save the settings.
  4. Configure the schedule.
    1. If you select Minute(s) or Hour(s), you have the option to Update client configurations only once per day. If you do not select this option, the OfficeScan client retrieves both the updated components and any updated configuration files available on the server at the interval specified. If you select this option, OfficeScan updates only the components at the interval specified, and the configuration files once per day.
      Trend Micro often updates components; however, OfficeScan configuration settings probably change less frequently. Updating the configuration files with the components requires more bandwidth and increases the time OfficeScan needs to complete the update. For this reason, Trend Micro recommends updating OfficeScan client configurations only once per day.
    2. If you select Daily or Weekly, specify the time of the update and the time period the OfficeScan server will notify clients to update components. For example, if the start time is 12pm and the time period is 2 hours, OfficeScan randomly notifies all online clients to update components from 12pm until 2pm. This setting prevents all online clients from simultaneously connecting to the server at the specified start time, significantly reducing the amount of traffic directed to the server.
  5. Click Save.
Offline clients will not be notified. Offline clients that become online after the time period expires can still update components if you selected Let clients initiate component when they restart. under Event-triggered Update. Otherwise, they update components on the next schedule or if you initiate manual update.