Viewing and Modifying Configuration Summary Details for a Policy Server Parent topic


  1. On the main menu of the OfficeScan web console, click Cisco NACPolicy Servers.
    The Policy Servers screen appears displaying a list of all Policy Servers.
  2. Click the server name of the Policy Server whose details you want to view.
    The Summary screen appears showing the Configuration Summary table.
  3. Click the link next to the item whose configuration settings you want to view:
    • Registered OfficeScan server(s): The OfficeScan servers currently on the network
    • Policies: The Policy Server policies registered OfficeScan servers can use
    • Rule(s): The Policy Server rules that comprise policies
If you want multiple Policy Servers on the network to have the same settings, including the same rules and policies, export and then import settings from one server to another. Trend Micro recommends configuring the same settings on all Policy Servers on the network to maintain a consistent antivirus policy.